
Wierd Tablet Issues

Hey all, i recently upgraded to windows 10 and immediately ended up with problems with pen pressure in z brush.
Hopefully someone else here had the same problem as me, so I will provide as much info as possible.
I am using windows 10, zbrush2018 and sr8 (problem occurs on both), and a Wacom Intuos 4 small (ptk-440)

So the issue in short is that i don’t get pen pressure 100% of the time, there is a little delay before i draw as well as the brush locking full pressure or locking no pressure at all. I recorded a gif of my problem. BUT, it works just fine in all other software like Photoshop. Everything except zbrush :roll_eyes:
I think it has to be a problem with zbrush itself, because i have done EVERYTHING possible to fix this and nothing has changed.
Here is a list of things i tried:
-Reinstalled drivers
-Downloading Wintab
-Windows ink on and off
-Completely removing windows ink

  • Legacy wacom drivers
  • Install before plugging in
  • Changing driver in the tablet from mouse & wacom drivers to USB and wacom drivers
  • Zbrush use tablet button in prefrences
  • Zbrush global tablet settings in prefrences
    I am VERY frustrated at this point and I would really like to get back to work.



with cintiq 13HD

I’m having the same issue here with Intuos Pro on Win 10 current Zbrush 2019.2. Tablet setting grayed out in Zbrush preferences, no pressure detected. I don’t know what to do, first time using Zbrush with Win10.

Usually with issues in Win 7 I could find a quick fix of just uninstall reinstall drivers.