
Why is my thumbnail grayed out when I post?

Whenever I post in zbrush artworks the thumbnail is grayed out, I was wondering why that is? I thought it was just because it was my piece but then I started seeing others with the same thing.

Hi @DoltonM3D

Did you follow the guidelines posted here ?

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@zber2 No, I didnt, I didnt know this thread existed ill give it a go next time I post. Thanks

Posts on the Wall are grayed out when you have viewed them. If someone replies to the post then it has new content since your last view and it becomes full color again.

Because the post is your post, it will always be gray immediately after you have made it. But it will become full color again after someone replies.

It’s simply a feature to help you keep track of what you have seen and what you haven’t.

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ahhhhhhhh, makes sense. Thanks