
Where is the downloader for ZBrush 2019.1.2

Where is the downloader of ZBrush 2019.1.2 ?

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See the “How to Update” section. It gives you three options.

but i can see downloader for ZBrush 2019.1 only in download section ? i did’nt found the setup for Version 2019.1.2

That will give you the 2019.1.2 installer. We don’t change the button text with every update. That button always gives the most current version of the installer, with all updates already applied.

and the installer name is like 2019.1 ? is this the version 2 ?

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Please trust me. My Licenses gives the ZBrush 2019.1.2 installer. Regardless of what the button says or what the name of the file is, the installer WILL install the most current version.

My Licenses will ALWAYS give you the most current version, with updates already applied. Always.

Okay Thank you Very much Aurick ! :slight_smile:

You can also try the ZUpgrader. I’ve just done that and it automatically finds the latest update, including 2019.1.2 (the exact version number is mentioned in the installer text).

ok thanks! :slight_smile: