
We need the linux version now!

I am working in vfx and we are all TIRED having to work off-pipe half the day because Pixologic have no respect for the vfx community, not providing a Linux version asked for ten years at least.

I was pissed off about it as usual, but it got on my nerves even more recently when I digged into the program files of the Windows version, and I found - a mess first (old version of libraries, app icons in psd format, duplicated stuff, nothing named with consistency… erkkk that explains the GUI…) - , but I got really angry when I discovered that ZBrush front end is made with Qt, a perfectly multiplateform framework, even primarily designed for Linux !

So, basically, there is just zero care for Linux customers or it’s just lazyness ?

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Putting this back to the top because when you are a customer of a multi hundred dollars software, a answer should be the minimum !

Definitely need a Linux version. Windows, its just bad. its lost all innovation and only sucks money out of its restricted users. If Zbrush is going to be the best sculpting application it must support Linux.

Same here. We’re having to spend thousands of extra dollars per artist to put a second computer under their desks JUST for zbrush. Extra training, extra management overhead, dealing with KVM switches, etc, etc.

Linux version PLEASE!

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Maybe these companies are just thinking about money.The Linux platform is best suited for running large amounts of computing.Well-known renderers all have versions that running on Linux.I think Pixologic is just looking for profit, even though Qt programs work best on Linux systems. :cold_face: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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