
UV MAP with UV MASTER produces crooked Map

I’m still new to the whole UV Mapping thing. So I might ask some noob question here. But any help or pointing into a direction will be appreciated :wink:

I got a cube - absolutely symetrical - when I use UV MASTER - it produces a crooked map - what is it I’m doing wrong here?
Can I produce a straight Map - so I can work on the MAP within PS - for example I would like to layout a packaging design on the map - but with a crooked map this is kinda difficult.



I think it’s just how UV Master is designed; it’s focused more on maintaining the density rather than lining things up. It works out pretty well for more organic meshes and when projection painting, but for simpler hard surface meshes like this it probably isn’t the ideal solution. If you have access to a third party application you could GoZ it over and apply a more traditional Cubic Projection.

Otherwise, duplicate the tool, flatten it (in UV Master), and use the Transpose Move and Rotate tools to line things up. With a mesh as simple as this you’ll be able to mask everything, unmask an entire row or column at a time, and use the Move tool either horizontally or vertically to align entire selections at a time (it works pretty similar to scaling verts together in other applications). Unflatted, copy the UVs, and paste them on the original mesh.

thanks a ton for the clearance on this - will try to follow your advice or check a 3rd party tool for UV mapping…

If there’s nothing special about this cube, you could also:

  1. Load the Default PolyCube Project
  2. Go to lowest subidivision level, delete the higher ones.
  3. Reconstruct Subdiv once

You’ll be left with an identical looking cube to what you have there, along with a t-shaped UV layout that has nicely aligned UVs

Are you looking at your UVs in Zbrush or Modo? That looks like modo, but I could be wrong…people do weird stuff with the gradient in Z.

@ Cryrid - thanks a lot for the info - will try that out next week!

@ beta_channel - no I’m just using ZB - I guess it’s just like Cryrid explained.