
Toy Design with ZBrush - Fine Art Collectibles, Vinyl, and Random Candy

This is funny, I was just about to post how much I enjoy your thread,- especially the last post and all the others which look more like hand painted book illustrations than CG - while I noticed that you replied in my thread :slight_smile:

so, here we go - love your thread :slight_smile:

Cool work! Like your style! :+1:


fine work scott!
superb output :+1:

Gary, Julian, asecbrush, Joe, and Samar, thank you.

Shout out to Dan Schoening, for the generous use of his character design. Here’s a moist man who needs no introduction.


Fantastic character, really neat character design totally love the concept,the sculpt and the render! And it is great to see that you are using the standard biped system of 3dsmax, do you rig a lot with these or do you make your own controllers?
Totally love your work!:+1:

Kenny, thanks. I don’t build any custom controllers, my day is already packed with sculpting for clients, doodling my own work and the never ending challenge of finding new artists to work with and clients who want to make toys. So this is straight up plain vanilla Biped.

More doodle and sketches.


Don’t know how I missed this thread. Awesome work Scott. :slight_smile:

I wonder if I saw one of your toys in reality yet.
Maybe one of these days I will customize one of yours - who knows.
Will you be at SDCC or NYCC? I’ll be at NYCC this year hopefully presenting a new release with TOY2R which I’m currently working on.

Keep rockin’ those toys!

VISone, I’ll most likely be at SDCC this year. I’d be surprised if you haven’t seen at least one thing that I’ve poked in the wild. Did you look at my work portfolio?

Anyway, back to doodling the doodly doos. I can keep posting sketches too, to show a little bit about how I leap the gap between 2d and 3d, but if anyone feels this isn’t the right place for it, I’ll stop.


another great work, really digging the face , a lot of character :slight_smile:
the drawings are great too, love the expression sketches!
Very nice work and please don’t stop posting 2d art aswell, even though we are on zbc here^^

Yes, for sure I’ve seen your stuff - but never knew you did the preliminary 3D sculpt for Ferg’s
Awesome stuff on your side and a pleasure to see what you are working on.
I won’t make it to SDCC but I hope to meet someday. Like I mentioned - Hopefully
will release something with Toy2r this year and propably will release another resin edition by myself
so would be nice to stay in contact and don’t stop posting your stuff
to work on designertoys was a major reason to learn ZBrush for me - so it’s
cool to see other toydesigner here using this tool.
Have a great weekend!

Oh sure, I’m still working with Clay on and off, doing some weapons every once in a while.



No surprises here, more wee creature toy design sketches more or less straight out of ZBrush. And another page of old school pencil doodles from the big black sketchbook.


Hi Scott, really like everything you have up here. I am also enjoying the good ol fashioned pencil to paper sketches, so loose yet, with style. Gotta always appreciate an artist that can do his/her magic wether it is in the traditional way or digital. After all, these ‘things’ are just TOOLS for us to use and put what is in our heads, somewhere permanent.

really liking your use of line to describe form in a three dimensional sense. cool sculpts :slight_smile:

Thanks Dragon, thanks Framedworld.


Nice, keep it up.
