
Tighty Whities | Sculpt

Here is a weekend sculpt I had fun doing of Max Grecke’s concept “Tighty Whities.”
By far the most comical underwear are the classic tighty whities. I wanted to practice more posing and stylized muscles in sculpting and this concept has those in spades. I had a lot of fun making making him and could picture him doing more beefy beef cake poses


tighty_whities_01_maritza_Louis_may2020|1189x1198 tighty_whities_02_maritza_Louis_may2020 tighty_whities_03_maritza_Louis_may2020


I love the gesture !

Thank you! It’s always a interesting challenge to interpret 2D concept posing. It is something I am working on developing more :smiley: But credit for sure goes to Max Grecke’s artistic choices, creating a nice flow in the design. :slight_smile:


Awesome work @Maritza_Louis, Yes, more beefy beef cake poses, perfect character for it :star_struck:

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ahaha right like some classic beefy Arnold poses. I won’t lie I still use young Arnold as a go to for muscle reference. :sweat_smile: :sunglasses: :muscle: :muscle:

Great work! :+1:

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Thank you :nerd_face::art:

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