
The Toymaker

Hey all, hope you are well!
This is my new character concept called ‘The Toymaker’.
The main character has been entirely sculpted in Zbrush, uvmapped in Rizom Uv, background and items sculpted in Zbrush and Maya, texturing in Substance Painter and rendered in Redshift for Cinema 4d

Hope you’ll like it.

…here’s a bit of grooming…


Love it. He looks pretty creepy.the kind that would steal your soul. Ahahah

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Excellent work! :+1:

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Beautiful work!! :sunglasses: :+1: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2:!!

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Nicely done. Thank you for sharing

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Thanks guys! :hugs:

i love it!

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Thanks I appreciate it!