
The Redbeard's Sketchbook

Just ordered.
Thanks a bunch.
Can’t wait to get started!

Your first tutorial was excellent and I’m sure this one will be also.

Bought it! Up to 05 Head video and really can’t wait to try sculpting it on the second viewing of the series. Thanks so much!

That’s Awesome! Thanks for your support guys! and please send me what you make! I would love to see them!

Have not had time to watch the KeyShot tutorials yet and was hoping for your opinion on it before the price goes up.
Does KeyShot for ZBrush give advantage over just sending ZBrush render passes to Photoshop?

What I did evaluate seemed to be very limited. You can’t export any render passes so it seemed you would be stuck with no good way to post process out of KeyShot.
I’ll be happy to purchase it if the KeyShot for ZBrush has advantages.
I’m afraid it’s just a teaser to get me to buy the full blown version which is a no-go on my budget.

Alright Matt, I’m in!
I’ll try and keep in touch with my progress this time.

I told you I was going to buy. :wink:



no, you can’t do render passes, which kind of sucks, but you can fake it a bit with certain things, light get a good ao material, render that out, and you can render just the flat color as well. You can also assign each subtool with a different color to make some masks for photoshop. but no it doesn’t do shadow passes or anything like that, but still it is an incredible render engine, and you will be surprised on how good it is and what you can get.

Here is a Turn I rendered out of Keyshot of of the character made for this tutorial.

I’ll try to post more process images so you guys can see what you can learn from the tutorials.

Let me know what you think!
Full Size Here:

Hey, that would be very helpful to see Process Pictures. I want to buy but The trailer seems to leave out quite a bit, based on the what the description says will be covered. So I’m hesitant because I don’t want to buy it expecting to get something that’s really not covered (if that makes sense).
So if you could please provide further details to help me in making a decision I would gladly support.


Thanks for the info. on Keyshot for ZBrush.

I went thru your tutorials for it last night and I purchased it this morning.

I’ve started the process of building the model from your tut: http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?193472-Following-Matt-Thorup-s-Advanced-Character-tutorial&p=1138000&infinite=1#post1138000
I saw a ton of helpful tips watching it the first go around. I want to turn my kids into cartoon characters one day and once I get thru this I feel confident I can try… Thank you!

Here is another process shot from my tutorial. Here is the finished TPose before I start posing him.
You can get my tutorial here:

Also remember if you get my tutorial before Saturday 18th of April, you get the Keyshot Bridge mini tutorial for free as well as as a chance to win a 3D printed model of this character!

See a full sized image here:

Also, thanks to everyone who has purchased it and all the great feedback I have received! You guys are awesome!

Here is a mock up of the 3D print that you could win simply by purchasing my tutorial:

You only have 2 Days left! Contest ends April 18th at midnight MST.

(This is just a render, but it does represent the quality that the final print will be)

First off, I just want to thank everyone for the incredible support and feedback with my latest tutorial! You guys are the best and make me even more motivated to make more, and I have many ideas for tutorials in the future. Again, I just love the community of artist that we are apart of!
And secondly, this is the last reminder that the sale for Advanced ZBrush and Character Design with the free mini tutorial with the Keyshot Bridge ends in just over 3 hours! (sale/ contest ends at Midnight April 18th MST)
Plus by getting the tutorial you enter to win the 3D print of the character signed by yours truly!
Here is the link, so act quickly!

Who won then plz? hope its meee :slight_smile:

P.S Great tut btw
thx K…

I am happy to announce you can now use PayPal in my Gumroad Store!!! Plus, if you buy this weekend you can also save 20% on any tutorial
when you use the code: redtwenty

Sale Ends Monday May 25th at midnight.

Who won the 3D print?

Hey man I love your style, very different from mine… I guess that’s why I admire it so much.

I’ll have to give something like that a try sometime.

@dillster Joshuah Kusnerz won the print. I am still waiting on getting the print back, but I’ll post it when i finally do.

@enemtor trying use styles is always fun :slight_smile:

This started as a lunch crunch, and then I had way too much fun testing out some new techniques with fibermesh in ZBrush.
Concept from a wonderfully talented young artist by the name of Ruby Poon (http://rubyspoon.tumblr.com/post/104278326170/procrastination-at-its-finest-haha-well-at)
Rendered in Keyshot