
The Puppet Master

                                  The Puppet Master

Feng Huang, the most powerful puppet master in her clan, lost her mother when she was young. She was raised by her grandmother.

She was almost 16 years old. Her adult etiquette was supposed to be handled by her mother. Because of her passion for motherhood, she used the forbidden witchcraft to make a puppet and summoned the mother’s soul, but things are not as simple as she imagined …

This is a personal short film project, hope you guys like it :slight_smile:

My other CG artworks https://www.artstation.com/linlei



前段时间完成了一个影视项目的角色视觉开发项目,过程做成了一个教程,有兴趣的小伙伴可以去看看 https://www.yiihuu.com/a_8081.html

有同学问为啥最近公号更新比较慢 ,哎,木有办法,上班项目有点忙,不比之前休闲的自由时期不过现在在morevfx的项目着实很好,继《流浪地球》后一部部的高难度特效大片,今年《征途》明年《刺杀小说家》还有那保密的啥啥啥的,那满满的S级生物特效镜头,让人觉得加班也值了 :slight_smile:


I love it <3

Nice work…:+1: