
The prisoner

Hi everybody !

This is my last work on ZBrush., i hope you recognize this actor Jim Caviezel. I usually work and made the base mesh with cinéma 4D. I find difficult to make good colours shaders skin in C4D then I prefer to let it black and white. Softs: Modeling : Zbrush / Cinéma 4D Module Hair : Cinéma 4D Maps : Color/ Bump/ Normal/ Displacement. Hope you like it [![Number 6.jpg|880x1153](upload://r7mdDrIJ3CXLxGUFKC7clWTZNHO.jpeg)]![JCHair.jpg|528x416](upload://2ozbPK8X1n1nPf1sBgAI9XvOWsN.jpeg)


ZBrush Document.jpg

ZBrush Document1.jpg


Very sorry it’s your last work,best of luck.

gooooooooooood why its your last work

Huhu! Ok This is not mean that I would not work on ZBrush anymore. :lol:…Just the last sculpt which I made with zbrush, I would make surely many others in the futur.

You should change it to “latest” then :smiley:

Glad you changed your mind.
Best of luck

The clothes look amazing :eek:

He meant latest of course.

Very nice btw.

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I have been reworking on the head texture… It still needs a bit of tweaking but I am happy with it so far. :smiley: