
The Goblin Cannon

Actually, I didn’t want to show this model here, but I was encouraged to do so. So maybe you like the happy little cannon I made last year using Zbrush for the displacement and bump maps and also for the diffusemaps.


Cheers “ko’gen”.

thats pretty cool. fun.


Nice and cute

Why is there a checkerboard image on the cannon? Is that reflection? It seems out of place.


The checkerboard comes from traditional modelling. You might know the Warhammer 40k series. People who spend a lot of time in painting there miniatures, like to show off with the painting of checkerboards on rounded surfaces. You often see those checkerboards on the miniatures of the orcs or goblins and I thought that would be pretty cool on the digital cannon model, too.

Thanks for the positive feedback

Cheers “ko’gen”.

Reminds me of the art style from Odd world inhabitants. I love it :slight_smile: Though I would like to see sharper edges on the metal surfaces, yet it still holds a whole wear and tear apeal.

I really want to see more stylized things like this.

Wow- I learn something new everyday. One thing I would still point out- in the world of tradditional role playing miniatures, checkerboards might be a way to show off- but in the 3D industry it means “I’m checking my UV space”. Just something to keep in mind if you put this in a portfolio or something. It still looks great. Hopefully everyone else gets the reference, and I’m just the non D & D player. Now, I’m going to sit back and…

OUCH! I just sat on my twelve sided die. :slight_smile:


Glad you did, amazing work! Nice to again see something other than an ogre, death head, skull, dragon, yadda, yadda… :wink:

That is what I thought of as soon as I saw the checkerboard.

Great work, and I hope you’ll want to show more of your work here! :+1:

Do you have any Goblins we can see? 50.

Wow, thanks a lot for the nice feedback, I would never thought the ZBrush-Monster-120%-Anatomy-Elite was interested in an old cannon :wink: It’s like craig said: I learn something new everyday thanks to lemmonado on Silo3d.com. Craig, you’re right the checker thing first looks like: “I’m checking my UV Space and forgot to paint over this ugly spot” but on the second look you’ll recognize the “deeper sense” :lol: No I’m just kidding.

Again thanks for your interest, this encourages me to do something similar in the future, but for now I just want to lear how to sculpt a ZBrush-Monster-120%-Anatomy-Organic thing. :wink:

Cheers “ko’gen”.

P.S.: Hei fifty, I’ve got no Goblins to show, but I show you a screenshot from Warhammer 40k (PC-game), you see there orc tanks with checkerboards. http://www.dawnofwargame.com/screenshots/screens/6.jpg

Well if you wanna do that I could give you the zsphere base I whipped up for a creature near the end of the zsphere thread. You might be able to really pull something amazing out of that. No, you don’t have to do it toon style, but you could! :wink:

That would be very kind of you. :slight_smile:

Cheers “ko’gen”.

Hi kogen, that’s pretty darn cool! They have the look of the first tanks of World War 1. I also like the way you’ve incorporated the wooden barrel into the cannon design. 50.

I was just amazed at this… I really love this… :+1: :+1: :+1:

Top row quality for sure!!!


I twisted his arm till he posted 8)))))))))))))))))).
Really great canon! C’mon, show us your ‘making of’ pics as well.
Glad you posted it :+1: :+1: :+1:

Yes he did :slight_smile: Okay, okay, thanks lemmonado again fo everything (including your PM :smiley: )

Okay, if you want to see the Making of pictures that’d be no problem, here they come:

The model of the cannon from the back:

And the front view:

Okay and here is another picture from the texturing process:

Thanks for visiting the thread :slight_smile:

Cheers “ko’gen”.



Wonderful work, great idea and attention to necessary detail. If you don’t keep posting such wonderous things, more arm twisting will ensue! :wink:

Just curious, but what does that wonderful piece look like with some of the Zbrush toon shaders/materials from http://www.zbrushcentral.com/zbc/showthread.php?t=21627