
The Ghost of Redbeard

Hi all, this is my first post of a sculpture done entirely in ZBrush. After many years on the forums I decided to submit something.
This is for next years Halloween, I’ll be doing a classic Scooby Doo Monster Museum set and this will be one of the busts. As I have a 5 axis router I’ll be machining the bust in the coming weeks from a white EPS foam, haven’t decided whether the finished piece will be moulded and cast in fibreglass or just foam and hardcoat.
A big thank-you to Michael Pavlovitch for his many helpful suggestions over the years, also Pablo Munoz and his wonderful ZBrush guides and brush sets, Danny Mac on how to make a rim light in 60 seconds tutorial, all of the wonderful artists who keep adding spectacular artwork every day to ZBC and last but not least ‘Ask ZBrush’ for both the questions and answers.
I’ll post up some WIP as the bust gets machined.
Thanks, John



You just mentioned 3 strong artists, both technically and artistically, keep going @johncox85 :muscle: :smiley:

Welcome to the community. This is going to be an awesome series. Looking forward to see the next piece and all of the print outs on the CNC.