“The Awe”,Thanks for the inspiration of Giger.Obviously,once again,I take my favorite Chinese traditional style into this work.The mixture of Alien style and Chinese dragon,the monster walk out of the blood mist.
Hope you like it~
My sketch
Good lord, this thing is beautiful. Wonderful design, flow of line.
Stunning design Zhelong, the touch of red but not any red…that red is so good BRAVO!
Totally cool hybrid.
Awesome Zhelong! =)
Incredible work! Could look at these renders for hours.
1 Like
Stunning! what a great combination! amazing works in the details!
thank you for sharing !
WOW! So good
Awesome work : )
Thanks a lot, guys!
impresionante!!! me recuerda un poco a malebolgia de spawn
INSANELY beautiful images! I find this so inspiring. You always stun me with your beautiful work. I’ve got to try that someday!