
Steampunk Spider Guy

A little concept project that i did during the last 5 days. A Steampunk Spider-Man.

For quality images, you can check out my Artstation and CG Society:


Hope you enjoy! :slight_smile:


I like him! From a functional standpoint, the hat might be problematic as he climbs in the wind and swings over the streets. But the overall look is really cool.

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First of all, thank you for the compliment! And yeah… he will need to climb with just one arm, for the other to hold the hat! hahaha! :rofl:

Thanks, really appreciate the compliment! :relaxed:

I saw the thumbnail was like, that kinda looks like a steampunk Spider-Man, and it is!! lol
Love this, great job!

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Thank you, bro! Really happy with the feedback! Makes me always try to achieve a good result.

PS: If the thumbnail worked, the project is reach the goal! :relaxed:

I love your steampunk spider person! That vest is pretty stylin’. :+1:

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Thanks a lot, mate! Really appreciate! :pray:t2::blush: