

ok guys, here is another update

after paint subdermal, epidermal and specular , i made this render in max to test the shader… many things to do , no bump map finished, im using the cavity on bump for while, and i dont like of the result of specular, i will redo it.

the test…

im having some problems with the projection in zb, i will correct it and export the maps again…


can you give a hint as to your method of texturing? im attempting to texture with antropus’ technique but its takin a litl longer than i originally thought…

keep the updates commin man!

Great… looking real greal great.

Rich_Art. :+1:

hi guys, after a long time without see this guy, here is a little update, many things to do in the maps of the the face, so for while i will finish the other elements, starting by the shirt…
here a render done in max with MR ,

hope you like…


morph106, RichArt thanks for coments guys, about my texture process have no tricks, im using this method http://www.zbrushcentral.com/zbc/showthread.php?t=033916 , its amazing… and with zapp link you can do everything in your textures…


that is coming out just awsome. can’t wait to see the finished product!

The skull still needs some work, the eye socket is too small and the nasal bridge is too wide. How about some sutures in the skull too (the crazy looking cracks that are where the bones of the skull fuse together during childhood). The skull is hardly detailed compared to the rest of the face so it really stands out. Also maybe a darker yellow too might work or more offwither. I really like the skin texture and face model.

Ouch!.. that’s going to leave a mark. A very symbolic peice thats coming along very nicely. Great texturing and lighting so far. Look forward to seeing to progress.

Great work,imo the skull should be lower down in the face and the skull texture is too clean.It makes the face look as though it has no substance beyond the skin.Flesh and muscle would give a cm or 2 space.Cool texture and idea:-)Bye cal

Looking good so far…
maybe a whisp of smoke coming out of his ‘nosehole’ would add a nice touch? - just an idea.:idea:
Also, maybe give the skull some texture too. And maybe some ‘left on’ flesh on some of the skull edges…I could go on forever, but I wont, as this is way better than I can do!:frowning:

womball, the skull is just a base mesh for while, i didn’t do anything with it, and the shader is just a blin with a fallof in difuse, but thanks for coment…:+1:

Adam Muratoff, calum5ZB thanks guys

jit_gohil, thanks for the idea i have many things to do in this guys, i will considerate your sugestions…:wink:

here is the occlusion that i forgot to post, sorry…


hi guys,

after a long time here’s a update of my soldier…
i think that i will finish it at the next time that i post here…
render_max_6 _low.jpg

hope you like…

Te está quedando fabuloso. Estoy deseando verlo acabado.:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Your modeling and texturing are great. The only thing I see that stands out is the uniform. The old steel helmet was used in WWII, The Korean War, and Vietnam I think. But, camouflage wasn’t used until the early 80’s when they switched from a steel helmet to a Kevlar helmet. To match your helmet model to the uniform I would suggest making the blouse the solid green that was worn in wars mentioned above.

Also, dog-tags are not generally worn on the outside of the uniform.

Missing the two breast pockets with name plates above them, one will read U.S. Army/Marines and the other will be the soldiers last name.

Left arm should have a unit patch an inch below the seem of the shoulder. You might want to consider putting a combat patch on the right arm as your piece depicts a man who has seen death and may be dead himself. This would mean that he has been in combat.

I don’t mean to be picky, the piece is well done. Just a few things to give it the touch of reality and it will be a very nice art piece.

Excellent work!

I agree that the uniform could use a little more detail.

But if the tags were on the inside, how would you know they were there? I think a little artistic license is OK there :slight_smile:

AaronDean, wow, thanks for your comments guy, i am not worry about match the styles of unifroms, cause this job is just for fun, but you give a good idea to make another still with all green shirt… thanks

saltapiedras,KrakenCMT thanks a lot guys…

ok here is the final stage of my soldier, and now i will just create a background to compose the final image…

hope you like

looks great and love the idea…but (and sorry if someone already said this, just ignore it) shouldnt the skull have a hole in it aswell? i mean thats a massive head injury right? really throughs me off when i look at it. just a thought, great job!

Love it!

As realistic as it is, you could really take it to another level by working that skull over with a ton of gooey goodies and maybe the hole as suggested…still I love it…that fabric work is to die for…

[email protected]

malibubob, thanks a lot for your coment, about the skull, in this image the skull represent the death no a organic part of the body… the idea is to represent the soldier like a dead guy, but he dont know this, and continue figthing, he dont know why and against who, the most important thing is the war…

Ron Harris, thanks…

sounds great! and looks great good job

Wow, this is simply awesome… looks so scary