
Skin textures (files)

This is a great site!!

Thank you for posting. Can you post Lip textures, head (skin) and body skin textures to my email. I will appreciate that. Thanks in advance. This is my email:

It defeats the purpose of these forums to have stuff e-mailed to you. A better suggestion would be to find someone willing to host the hi-res images, so EVERYONE could make use of them.

Try to think of this as a COMMUNITY, and not just you, okay? That’s how we ALL learn.


thanx for sharing this!..

Yeah, I know what you mean. Sorry for my greedyness.

oooopa! grande contribuição! brigadão rapais! ;D
ps: vc eh brazuca né? “pele.zip” :X AHaHHAA

heeey! great contribution! thanks man!
ps: you’re brazilian,right? (Pele=Skin) ehhehe
sorry if u are’nt :B

hey there .

thanks for those textures.

by the way if you guys have any skin pour alphas would be awesome.

i looked in your gallery but couldnt find them , anyways thanks .


What about Brown skin? Where can I find that?

Thank you for posting these and also for the site ones. You guys are so generous!

Thanks for the share!, you really are a great help!! :slight_smile:

please send me the high res images!!! it would be so helpful
this is my email

thanks for sharing guys =)

Not sure if you’re still open to sharing those skin textures,
but if you are - here’s my email:




may I have those file, if it is not too late now

my email: cyberlove2004@yahoo.com


hope its not too late as well, if I can get the hi res files

thank you!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

I would like to grab those as well please…if its not to late?


Could you kindly send me those textures as well?


Many thanks for share!
If you can, I’d like textures with 2048 Pixels!
My email: gendragora@gmail.com
Many thanks again for posting!

Hi please also email me the high resolution @ whinclores@gmail.com thanks.