

Very nice work with Group Loops, I too am looking for different ways to apply that work flow…

Thank you both. I still have a lot to learn about this workflow but Gutalin and MeaLea’s tutorials helped me get started.
I’m still very much in the trial and error stage trying to see what works and what doesn’t.
Still lots of fun.

interesting , reminds me an hotel i’ve seen somewhere…

Thanks Lvxifer. Love your grouploop work.

I think this needs a little more work but close enough to show.


Working on this:


Saaaaweet, nice take on Apocalypse :+1:

Thanks Truubluu :slight_smile:





…is very funny! :smiley:

Thank you frenchy :).
I’m tempted to print it out as a piggiebank.


One hour sketch.




Monday one hour zbrush sketch. Took a little too much time nailing the shape and left myself too little time for coloring and high detailing.
With a little photoshopping it still looks presentable.

monday 6 oct one hour sketch.jpg

Nice to see you posting after a year. Cool stuff!!!

Thanks for the reply man. It’s been one hell of a year for me.
Had two cancer scares, first kidney cancer and then last month my doctor told me I was probably gonna die of lung cancer.
Thank god the kidney tumor was successfully removed and the second diagnosis turned out to be wrong. Very scary stuff.

On a positive note though I’m in negotiation to start working at an animation studio so things are looking up.

But yea that explains the gap in posting.

Here’s some more stuff of the past year.


brownie copy.jpg





holocaust finished01.jpg

I went back and saw your hard surface models and agree with the others that they are pretty good : )
You mentioned you used some Gutalin/Mealea tutorials, could you give me their names? I’d be interested in watching those tutorials as well. Thanks

Hey dog,

you best ask Mealea, Lucifer or Gutalin for any more details. I didn’t take their technique as far as they did.
It’s been a while since I used but I think it went something like this.
The basics are:
*Create UV map: PUVAUV or GUV tiles. Each gives a different UV tiling
*Polygroups: Autogroups with UV
*Divide: Once or more. If you want to keep the shape with sharp edges turn off SMT
*Grouploops: Now you got a whole bunch of polygroups you can play around with.
I’m sure from there you can figure out all kinds of techniques to manipulate the polygroups.

Like this :), same basic technique:

warlock movie version.jpg

But like I said if you want details ask the masters :).

Ah I gotcha. That’s a pretty cool way to create these interesting polygroups on your model. Thanks!

I can think of some nifty applications, for example in creation of:

  • armor pieces
  • scales
  • panels
  • etc

Did you mean talk to these masters directly about these topics?
All kidding aside but I don’t feel worthy of asking guys of that high caliber questions yet : )