
Sci-fi gun Concept

Sci-fi gun Concept - Full post:

The same fundamental principles used to design characters and creatures can be applied to many other things. In this case, I’ve made a futuristic gun for my next character.

I’ve recorded the process, as I think it might be interesting to see the workflow I used, which may not be the most conventional approach for this type of prop. :v:

Sci-fi gun Design Process - PART 1

Sci-fi gun Design Process - PART 2

Sci-fi gun Design Process - PART 3


very nice. Did you end up using ZBrush for all of this?

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Amazing work!
I would love to see that proccess video though.
:mechanical_arm: :trophy:

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RodolfoSilva Check out my YouTube channel, you can find the videos there :wink: @3diegodm-YouTube

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In this case, I used Maya to clean up the pieces because it seemed the most efficient way to go (I was worried about the larger pieces). But the entire process could have been done in Zbrush. If you’re curious, you can check out the process here: @3diegodm-YouTube

Thank you for sharing. Would it be ok to imbed those three videos in this post? You just need to copy and paste the YouTube links here in a post.

I watched the clean up. It would be possible to do what you did in Maya in ZBrush as well. There are a couple of items I think would be a bit more work because ZBrush doesn’t allow n-gons but it would be possible to do the clean up with ZModeler.


I didn’t know it was possible to link videos directly here, thanks for the tip.

I could have done the cleaning in Zbrush, but I decided to use Maya because I was concerned about the larger pieces, which would have been harder to manage in Zbrush to get them smooth and even.

In any case, this is the workflow I followed for this asset, in a different asset I probably would apply a different process.

@PixoPaul Thanks for your comment!