
Scared Silly Entry by Damien Canderle

I confirm my previus msg… I love this Guy! Very good modeling technique! :sunglasses: :+1:

:+1: That is looking extremely Awesome!!

he’s looking great, i like the concept as well, hope to see some more updates soon.

Great Frankenstein!

Good character modeling! :+1:

The model is looking good so far…can’t wait to see some details and textures.

hi everyone,

some new update and the final image:)





Awesome work! great looking sculpt.:+1:

Wow! photo real or what! Shame you ran out of time, though I don’t think it matters. This is an awsome entry that desrves to be up there in the top 3. Well done! :D:+1:

Really funny!
And really great work!

great work Maddam!!

Alex Oliver

hahaha, fun (also a nice model!)

Uuunnnhh!..Fire bad - but, your monster good! :+1:
I would love to see this reanimated guy animated… Or is it, this animated guy reanimated…now I’m all mixed up.

Really great render and very accurate too.

Great work! Excellent sculpting and render. :+1:

The sculpting and rendering is Incredible :+1: One thing I noticed though his head is floating in his coat.

very nice !!!
what is the shader you’re using 4 the coat???

really great job! great modeling and rendering! :+1: