
Sapphire Valkyrie

hello! finally got around to finishing up some new work this year. big thanks to Namgwon Lee for letting me use his awesome work for inspiration.
everything modeled in Zbrush , using alot of dynamesh and ZModeler. made the creation of the armor much much easier :slight_smile: cloth done in Marvelous Designer, and rendered in Vray.

be sure to check the high res images!










Incredible work! I’m baffled that you created the armour with the Zmodeler brush. Did you use panel loops or extract to get the basic shape of the armour first? Or just start from primitives and Zmodel away? I feel like trying to get more comfortable with the Zmodeler brush but it’s a little intimidating and fickle

hey thanks! no definitely didnt start it with zModeler . to start it , i blocked it all out in dynamesh, then cleaned up my top surface by using the slice tool, to get just a single sided piece that i would Zremesh into a clean piece of geo, which id use group loops for thickness. from there i would use zModeler for things like bevels / extrude, those kinds of operations. if i ever get any free time ill try and do a break down :slight_smile:

a break down is absolutely needed :wink:

Amazing work! Congrats :smiley:

wow I love it

If you did a breakdown that would actually be really cool!

That’s a really smart way to go about it actually:+1: