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This is simply Gr8 work…

What CNC Router are you using, as I am looking at one but still haven’t found one that tickles my fancy?

Looking forward to your reply and more images of your work…

Hi! thay are using MultiCam series 1000

Really great to see a new post and some new routing images. Did you use the same sized cutting tool over the whole surface? If so how long did that take? The results are worth the time though.

for this material they used 2 cutting tools. usually the first tool about 30 mm and second is 2 or 3 mm. and it takes nearly 3 days, non stop. with two mills the speed is “higher”))) you know.


Hello, have you bought a suitable CNC router machine for you now, Jinan FORSUN CNC Machinery Co., Ltd., one of the professional Wood CNC Router manufacturers and suppliers in China, has been focusing on providing high-quality CNC Router Machines. If you are interested, you can check it out on their website