
Quick Shoe Study

Did some quick cloth studies and i figured i would do the whole setup so ended up sculpting the hoodie, pants, cap and the shoes… I think the shoes look really good as a single presentation so i decided to give them their own post!

The sculpt itself was just a simple sculpt making use of reference images and using simple forms to construct the parts and present them as something complex; sculpting shoes just takes good observation and patience, really…

Everything was sculpted BTW, the textures are all alphas and yeah i could have made it real time but i hate retopo, haha.

Quite a few people liked the old shoe tutorial so here is an updated version!

NEW SHOE TUTORIAL: https://youtu.be/1yshxb3M5mQ

Old shoe tutorial: https://youtu.be/HTaEF1ETwlo


Looking great!


Hey thanks, man!

awesome work & super clean!

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Thanks, Sol!