
Quick Noodles (movie page 6)

Great!!!, I can’t get enough.
fantastic work. thanks for sharing them with us.
I definitely want to see more

wow! your scupts are amazing, love the yellow guy. How do you get the hard crisp edges on that?

Awesome stuff F00d, I loved your contest entry btw!

good stuff mate! really clean style.

I love your style!!! very nice doodles :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Hi FoOD! Cool sculpt, lookin’ forward to the update :+1: .

Once again, many compliments on your modeling style.
Most impressive!
I love every time I look in the list and see that you´ve updated your thread.

Thx for the comments dudes :smiley:

This is the same as the Baron mesh …liked the eyes thats all I really kept …still want to do more to this guy

Abron AC


really awesome stuff man. what are your brush settings for creating the hard surfaces?

EnderStaley, mdale13 - Thx - flat brush and try avoid the edges

amazing new sketches,i love the hardsurface details:Dand thank you for video:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Excellent work great sculpt!!! :+1: :+1: :+1:

Brilliant stuff, it would be awesome to see a whole timelaps of one of those organic/mechanical creations someday :slight_smile:

I was wondering what did you use for inspiration to create the mask. Because right know I am working on project in witch I am making a mask for Kuma of Afro samurai and I am looking for inspiration can you help me.

Great job again,I love those kinda stuff

Again, a great update. Thanks for posting- keep goin’ :+1: !

Holy crap man, thats awesome.:+1: That all ZB? Are the pipes imported from MAX
too? Like the yellow guy in the earleir in the thread?

Sick Foo!! I can totally see that dude turning out into a full blown character :+1: :+1: :+1:

I wanna be able to noodle like this!

Cool doodles

Waiting more updates

