
Queens Punk

Hi there.
I’ want to show you my latest art work.
This is my latest personal project “Queens Punk”.
Making a realistic female character is exciting!!
It is nice doing things I like.

Hope you like it.

you can see more on my website.




Yes i like it, it looks like you were inspired by the characters from the Order 1886 anyway Keep up the good work!!!

good work, like it.

Thank you d’Artbot.
I like the Order 1886. I tried to make same quality as the game.it was very hard for me

Thank you Masart!!:wink:

Beautiful face .
Your clothing is what catches my eye though .
Good pleats are a pain in the #ss to sculpt well ,but your skirt and blouse look great .
Is she render in zbrush ? love the satin material .:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

beautiful character that face is just lovely, nice job :slight_smile:

pygmalion:Thank you.I rendered it in v-ray. Yes, I love satin material too;)

Thank you Praetor187!:wink:

This is my final work of Artstation challenge.
I made this image using 3ds Max, Maya, Zbrush, Substance Painter, Marvelous Designer and V-ray.

The final render had no retouching.
I just modified level, color balance and added lens flare.

I appreciate Zbrush & Substance Painter :slight_smile:
Those are amazing tools!!
Hope you like it!