
Portrait of J. R. R. Tolkien

Hi everyone, this is my second attempt on artistic portraiture! I choose professor J. R. R. Tolkien because he is my favourite writer and also had a huge impact in how I dwell on fantasy stories. The project was made using HD Geometry, with everything sculpted and painted by hand. Pores were placed either one by one or through an array. Again, it’s not perfect, I guess it will never be, it’s just my artistic representation. I tried to push myself and learn how to create a smile, and also a hand. It was quite fun, but it’s time to let it go,I was getting tired and I wanna focus more on other subject and other types of workflow, like XYZ map projection. Also I wanna focus more on myself. Since I got a job now, I can take it easy from now on and try to fix this anxiety thingy that I have. If you don’t know Tolkien, please, just read to LOTR and watch the movies that were adapted! Those are awesome!

Tolkien_5_hand_01_bnw Tolkien_5_hand_01 Tolkien_5_treated Tolkien_6%20(2) Tolkien_6 Tolkien_4_hand_01 Tolkien_1%20(2) Tolkien_1 Tolkien_1_bnw Tolkien_1_hand_01 Tolkien_1_treated Tolkien_2%20(2) Tolkien_2 Tolkien_2_bnw Tolkien_2_hand_01 Tolkien_2_treated Tolkien_3%20(2) Tolkien_3 Tolkien_3_bnw Tolkien_3_hand_01 Tolkien_3_treated Tolkien_4%20(2) Tolkien_4 Tolkien_4_bnw Tolkien_4_treated


Very nice work, and not a subject you see that often! :+1:

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thank you!

Realistic portrait it is! :clap:

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Thank you Jaime!

great work!
Would love to see a zbrush screenshot :slight_smile:

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oh sorry! they are some on my artstation!