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This work is Inspired by Sebastiano Ricci painting “Perseus Confronting Phineus with the Head of Medusa”.This personal project took me about four months to be finished.and built in two separate scene and after reducing polygons to 50 percent with decimation master in each scene,all transferred to the main scene and ended up with about 580,390,101 polygon and 315 subtools.I hope you like it.


Wow! Fantastic work. Quite a spectacle with strong sense of narrative/action.:+1:

Be sure to grab the free upgrade to the most recent version of Zbrush. You need folders for all those subtools! :file_folder:small_orange_diamond:file_folder:small_orange_diamond:file_folder:

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Good lord, that’s a lot of detail. Well done!

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Insane man…

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yes ,I’ve got the big headache, for many subtools,honestly

Thank you so much Dear Aurick,I appreciate senior :pray:

Epic and full detail scene. :ok_hand:small_orange_diamond:+1:

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Great skills @FarzadMaleki :clap::muscle::blush:

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Thank you Dear Jaime

Crazy stuff, man. Still glued to the screen scrolling.

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I appreciate mate,Thanks alot

Thanks a lot


It’s a wonderful work of art, thank you

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Thank you Agnus

You are crazy!