

This is my first full process CG work, and the production process is very difficult. While learning techniques, I need to supplement my art foundation, follow up on the production process, and modify feedback. This is a very difficult process…

The original painting of this work is an illustration drawn by Konrad Dielitz Wotan in 1908. In the illustration, Wotan (Odin) is leaving Brynhild. In Nordic mythology, Brynhild is a shield maiden and a warrior goddess. She is also the daughter of Wotan. Brynhild violated her father’s command and caused her brother Sigmund to die. Wotan punished her and made her fall asleep until the hero awakened her. Robert Wagner tells this story in his opera “Der Ring des Nibelungen”. In Nordic mythology, Brynhild is commonly referred to as Valkyrja in the Gnostic language, meaning “women who choose the dead of war”, with the aim of preparing for the twilight of the gods.

I really like Nordic mythological stories, full of fantasy and magical colors, which are captivating.


Gorgeous work @LiangYiFang Welcome to the community :slight_smile:

very nice work

Beautiful interpretation of the original artwork :scream::scream::sunglasses::+1::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2:!

This is amazing, every aspect of this piece works so well.

Gorgeous work