
New here

Some very nice work m8, can you shed some light how you do them or atleast what software you used?

beginner here

very nice sculpts man! show more please :wink:

This is my last personal work, I spent about 4 months working on it and more than 70 hours rendering, hope you like it.

Geek Room.jpg

Really impressive work, OscarPerez! It didn’t cross my mind that scene was a render until I saw you viewport screenshot. I thought it was a typical nerd/action figures enthusiastic’s working space :slight_smile:
Great work, lots of dedication, awsome patience and great lighting too. Congratulations!

What a beautiful and amazing diorama of ‘nerdom’ If I had a bedroom like this I’d never leave!! Well done!! The render is superb but the layout and placement of objects really sells the realism.

Wow! Really impressive. Great attention to detail!

oh my… god

Thought it was a photo of your room for a few minutes :slight_smile: A lot going on, disciplined and magnificently executed work. Congrats

Holy ****!
This is simply too real.
I won’t show it to my wife, she would come immediately to clean up the mess :smiley:

Despite on this - the work is just too good too real on the first view that one is really getting the sensation you are presenting :wink:

Thats not real…its render holy molly…I was actually thought for a sec its artist work space until i saw you wire frame…Jaw droping composition, I like the way amazing lighting,Texturing, Shadering…
And finally balance of the plastic modeling and real life detailing you have some serious observation skill… :slight_smile:

Dude… this is unbelievable! When I originaly saw the image, my thoughts were someone posted an image of their home studio… I didn’t expect this to be a render. Up close, it still holds up! Absolutely, positively, amazing!!!.. :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

OMG! If there ever was a top row thread, this is it! :+1:

:grimacing: WOW! just wow, I thought that was 100% a photo of your work area! If this isnt TOP ROW worthy I dont know what is.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

What the??? Holy smokes. Amazing.

Excellent throughout! My brain was racing, is this all 3D printed and posed? And then I saw your set up!
Terrific and inspiring. Love your work.

OMG this is simply amazing! It’s tells so much story. I’m sure every piece and image and book has meaning. A true labor of love.

Thats just crazy:D. Great sculpts, great renders, photoreal stuff. Super cool idea and professional execution, congrats:cool:. Should be toprow soon.

thanks guys for the comments!!