
New here

Hi everyone,

I’m new here (obviously), my name is Gee. My day job is freelance illustrator, mainly 2d illustrations, but I want to upgrade my knowledge and learn Zbrush. I’ve been lurking around and have inspired by a lot of your awesome work. I have never had the guts to post anything, but I think it’s best that I give it a shot, especially if I want to get better! Right? I bought Zbrush, a year or so ago, but never had the time to use or learn it. Last month, I decided to take it seriously and actually joined Ryan Kingslien and Nate Portner’s class at ZBW. They are super awesome mentors! I still have a few weeks to go in this class, really enjoying it!

Anyway, I guess I’ll be posting here, on my sketchbook.
If you have any feedbacks or advices, I welcome it! :smiley:




sewer mutant.jpg


MECHA copy.jpg

Also, if someone can help me to attach the images larger, instead of small windows that you can click to enlarge…that’d be great! Thanks!

Hey Gee, great render ! It looks to me like you are taking your lessons to heart. Keep it up :+1:

Thanks Tartan! I’ll try my best to keep posting :slight_smile:

A quick one before I read some comics and go to bed.

cat demon.jpg

Hey all, this was done for a ‘spitsculpt’ over on facebook.

ORC_gee hale.jpg

spitsculpt equals speed? Well done :):+1:

hey Tartan- yep, speedsculpt :slight_smile: Just what they’re calling the group.