
My works

Perfect !!:d

Really PERFECT!!!

CURLYCREATIVE thank you! I don’t remember exactly. But it’s quite heavy for sure)
Jacek thank you!
Lexxx69 thank you Leonid! I really appreciate your opinion!

Looks great!

Thank you Derek!

“Gold Digger”
This is a part of jewelry design I made recently.
A figure of an old gold digger for the medallion.

“Goddess Fortuna”
Another figure sculpt for the medallion

Some xmas stuff. Santa Girl. Christmas is around the corner!:slight_smile:

Some very nice sculpting here. :+1:

Nice folds and forms.

Webhead, Takai thank you guys!:wink:

Joseph Stalin Bust

Max, great bust! )))

Thank you, Leonid!

Some hi-poly character sculpts I made for the Marsenary game last year. Based on Roman Polyakov concepts. More renders at my folio https://www.artstation.com/digitalmax