
Mpej_Sketchbook_Hi Zbrush Cenral !

Hello everyone, I’ve been working more and more on my anattomy study over this character for my personnal project. Trying to get the form right and all the knowledge regarding origins and insertions of the main muscle groups. Not an easy task ! Here’s where I’m at so far :slight_smile:
I still have the define better some of the muscles groups and double check their volumes. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ! Happy Zbrush-ing !



(21 Jun.2018) > Some more work on the back and front torso. Still hard to grasp all the subtleties.

(27Jun.2018) > I took a break working on the anatomy and rather thought how it will look like once he puts some clothes on ? I felt inspired by the “Musketeer” theme during the XVIIth century. I’m more interested how the forms / volumes pley with each other rather than giving too much detail with drawings and filigranes all over the place. Trying to keep it simple … for now ! Here’s a simple Photoshop mash-up of ideas and color variations I thought of. Hope this will grab your interest :wink:
(28Jun.2018) > Nothing interesting yet to show yet for the clothes modeling, I was bothered by some of the chest anatomy reviewing some photos and figured I misunderstood the insertions/origins of some of the group muscle. So I finished my day by correcting myself, I think it looks better. He will be covered by clothes though I want to have a solid anatomy base for the next character and be faster at my nude modeling ! Here’s what I’ve corrected so far :






(06 Jul. 2018)
Some of the anatomy is still to be corrected. I’ve took a lot of time to study more the hands in their forms and structure. It’s not an easy task for such an expressive element of the human body !



(27 Jul. 2018)
After taking two weeks break I’ve gone back into this character and figured out some proportions where still wonky, got some anatomy features corrected / redone and this is my final product for the body.
I’m swapping to the clothings now, still have to check the back & feet but it looks ok for now. What do you think about it? Cheers


(01 Aug. 2018)
Editing the feet, it was a bit too akward in forms and those toes weren’t feeling right !





(01 Aug. 2018)Hi this will be the last tweak for the body, finished my foot study. I’ll only be able to improve by modeling a whole new one starting from scratch : I’ll keep this one as it is with its imperfections. I will probably work more on the face at final stage one ce the clothes are mostly done.
How’s it looking ?



(19 Sept. 2018)
It’s been a while I sent something, busy looking for a job application, here’s some clothes modeling I’ve added mostly done with ZResmesher and Maya to separate more cleanly some parts with UV and polygroups.
Here’s the progress so far, I have some ideas to add on the clothing but for now I’m keeping it simple as I can !



(27 Sept. 2018)
Little progress for this character, I can not find the time to move forward, … I confess that I’m spending more time looking for work since the beginning of the week … No time for personal projects for now :confused:
I have not changed the size of the head yet (it looks tiny from the rest of the body) but rather added the basics of clothes and folds. I tried to stick as much as possible to the refs but not simple to not want to exaggerate the features. I’m trying to find a happy medium.
Next step: more props to dress the costume



(4 Oct. 2018)
Some boot sculpt, give myself some extra time to make feel the material more thick/robust than it looked previously. Adding some props in the next iteration for the boot and climbing all the way up for final geometries in order to complete the character look.



(24 Oct. 2018)
Finally got some free time to work some more on this piece. The boot has more work into it and my attention was to have better folds for the jacket, it’s supposed to be some kind of heavy leather jacket. Did I caught the feel right? I have some references to take example from but translating that visual data into my sculpt sometimes feels kind of hard ! Anway Here’s where I am for now. See you !

MSN_jacket and boots work.jpg


MSN_jacket and boots work.jpg