
Morrigan, Dragon Age Origins Fan remake, real time

Ladies and gents, I’ve finally finished my very first and my very own real time character!

Morrigan of Dragon Age:Origins, fan art, real time



Good job Natalia. Now let’s see what you’ll do next.

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cool!!! nice detial

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Congrats on finishing your character. It looks fantastic!

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amazing. How long did it take to make the hair?

about a month :slight_smile: but it was my first approach to making real time hair so most liekly it could have been done faster :wink:

well if this is your first time doing hair like this i would say you were born to do this. You used fibermesh i assume? i love the texture and flow and the complicated style. Youn need to post a snaposhot of your fibermesh settings and brushes used for us still learning

No, it wasn’t fibermesh :slight_smile: I used Orantrix to generate the strands, baked them on cards which were afterwards hand placed on the character’s head :slight_smile: I had an opportunity to write about it here: https://80.lv/articles/morrigan-sculpting-hair-and-skin-production-tips/

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