
more dividing

hi, im new to zbrush and was wondering were i can get the best tutorials?

another question is… how to divide some more on just a single part?

more divisions.jpg
i was trying to make the human squid from Simon Blanc. “no more wine” by following his tutorial.
but i cant understand why he has more divisions in the head then i got.
the suckers are fine. anyone?

also when i use the damien standard brush i doesnt work like he is working. i just get dots instead of a straight line.

please help. THNX!!! :stuck_out_tongue:
ps. im using zbrush 3.5 btw

Hi , subdividing locally can give some strange borders, but if you really want to do it. Mask of an area you want to subdivide, while holding ctrl with a brush. Invert the mask and try to subdivide.

Check the stroke type on the brush you are using , is it dotted or freehand.
You getting dots, may also simply be your pc specs. If zbrush handles a brush well for a while, but when you get into higher subdivisions and you start getting dots, then that’s about the limit of your pc. At that point you need to start hiding parts of your model to gain performance.

The “dotty” stroke on the Dam Standard is typical for alot of users this version, had it happen to myself actually.

To fix this, go into your Brush/Modify and change the Trails to around 11 or 12 or close to there. This smooths out the stroke and gets rid of that dot effect completely for any brush this is happening to in this release.

thank you… this was very helpfull :slight_smile:

still having a problem on dividing. the image above has reach his maximum level. so i cant get more subdivisions