
MAHmc - MatCap Shader Series

Very cool mats indeed ! :+1: :+1:

These shaders are of a slight Cinema 4D reflective to augment the already awesome red wax (with addtional changes to cavity and other properties).

[MAHmc Series02.jpg](javascript:zb_insimg(‘59754’,‘MAHmc Series02.jpg’,1,0))

More MahliMats! Want to thank you even before trying them out! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Awesome mats, thanks for sharing!!

thanks for the sweet material

Thank you very much for sharing, Mahlikus. Wonderful materials. :+1:

Second series rocks! Fantastic!

Do you take requests…or maybe I should figure out how to make one on my own. :slight_smile:

Definitely something to look forward to!

Great materials! Can’t wait for a tutorial on this as I’d love to know how to make materials for ZB using C4D!

Thanks for your hard work, Mike. :+1:

You possibly already figured this out on your own, but did you see the bit about importing standard HDRI light probes (or rendered probes) into the MatCap material? There’s also a technique to import a second different probe for the cavity, I believe.

It sounds like your using C4D to render a material (possibly with HDRI) on a sphere, and then importing it. Are you using the methods shown in the wiki?:

in the sections down toward the bottom:
Capturing Real-Time Materials From The Canvas
Capturing A and B Material Maps

I’ve been seeing some great models created with your MatCaps, Mike…so I finally decided to download them. One person in particular always uses your matcaps in his modeling, and I’ve gotten used to seeing them in action. Always great contribution as usual. Thank you so much. If you ever have the opportunity, you should stop by one of our nightly chats and sharing sessions. Check out the meebo link in my signature.

This also goes for anyone else, by the way…we welcome anyone who wants to participate.