
Keira Knightley in Atonement

This is Keira Knightley from the film Atonement. I’ve admired her green dress (designed by Jacqueline Durran) since the film came out in 2007, and decided to use this as a jumping-off point for learning how to use Marvelous Designer, Mari, and XGen. This is also the first full character that I’ve sculpted in ZBrush.

I sculpted her in ZBrush, made her dress in Marvelous designer, modeled her accessories and retopologized all of the assets in Maya, and then textured her in Mari. I then rigged her, added XGen hair, lit, and rendered her in Maya with Arnold. Finally, I composited everything together in Nuke and After Effects.

More renders, turntable: https://www.artstation.com/brookewagstaff
Instagram with WIPs: https://www.instagram.com/brooke.wagstaff/