
Joe Black

Great Work!

Thanks, really good work :smiley:

Here is an update to the human skeleton files.
You can download them from here or the IMM Repository.
Enjoy :wink:



Really nice work in here (especially on this second page). Thanks for sharing the IMM brush, great idea, will definitely check it out.

Nice Goonies project you have going on. I had started working on a sculpt of the movie logo. If I get some time to post it or get back to work on it I’ll cross post and share. :slight_smile:

Thanks guys, I appreciate the feedback.:smiley:

Here’s a character sketch that came out lookin like Vanilla Ice


…and an update of the tiger piece I’m playing with

I have been using and customizing my ZBrush for a very long time, and I thought it would be nice to share with everyone.
So I compiled a bunch of my stuff together, and today I would like to make them available for the community.

For starters, here is my ZBrush UI. My screen resolution is set to 1920x1200, so a smaller screen may do some clipping.

Here is an image I made to give a quick breakdown of the layout for reference.

ZBrush UI Link

You may notice that certain buttons are docked that are not normally allowed at startup.
So another thing I have included is a ZScript I made named “3D Startup.”
This will allow the docking off all 3D action buttons to be loaded in the UI at startup. (Double Sided, Symmetry Options, ect.)

3D Startup Link

Another quick ZScript I included is called “Basic Material.”
This simple script loads ZBrush with the Basic ZMaterial (which will work interactively with lights) instead of the default Red Wax.

Basic Material Link

Also thought I would throw in the hotkeys I use as well.

Hotkeys Link

Here is a set of Brushes I have made and use in my startup UI. (The skeleton is not loaded at startup)

Brushes Link

Last but not least is a ZPlugin I made for rendering “flats.”
This plugin will fill each subtool with and individual random color and the “Flat” ZMaterial.
I decided to automate this process because it can be a pain to do manually.
Basically it makes a “Flats/Clown” pass for later editing renders in a 2D package.
It is like a mask, but for each individual subtool.
// ZScript includes loop functions of 50, allowing for application to 50 subtools.
These values can be changed for more/less subtools, slowing/speeding the process. //

Flat Shade Link

In each zip file should be all you need, including a quick “Info” text.
Also, I’ve added the original “Text Documents” I made the ZScripts from if there is any editing desired. (Or if you just wanna look at them ;))
I hope that these items are helpful/useful to the anyone who wants them.
Please let me know if there are any questions/concerns, and as always, Happy ZBrushing!

Thanks … Exact what i need for my Tablet pc :smiley: Perfect many many thanks for sharing

Hi Joe. You have many great works here. Batman is cool

docking issue : (Double Sided, Symmetry Options, ect.) doesnt require a script… its worked since 4r4

Very nice! Thanks a lot for sharing. :slight_smile:


I am running my monitor at the correct resolution but my icons are still getting cropped out and missing such as the Store MT and Spotlight Controls. Any idea on what is wrong?

Nevermind. You have to make sure your button size is set to the smallest size and then restart zbrush. Everything fit correctly after I did that.

Thanks for the great interface.

Thanks so much Joe. I love the layout.
Very nice of you to share.


Thanks for the feedback everyone. If someone uses the “Flats” ZPlug, I’m curious to see if it works well enough.
Sorry Mok for not getting back sooner, but I’m glad you figured out to make the buttons smaller ;). I thought that was saved into the settings, my mistake.
Another note on the layout, if the menus on the sides are flipped upside down, reloading the config should rearrange them in the proper order.

Here is an old man I have been working on, and thanks again.







I like the posture on http://www.zbrushcentral.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=376611. You’ve done a great job with the clothes. Which programs did you use besides zbrush?

Thanks for the comment Sorovince, I also used Maya and a bit of Photoshop on the old guy.

Here is a creature sculpt I made based on a concept done by Anastasios Gionis.
If you wanna see the original concept, check out his awesome work through the link.

Crowned Color.jpg

Crowned Front.jpg

Crowned Back.jpg

Very nice! Love the design and love the muscle definition. The skin looks good too. Did you use an alpha? Or how did you get that effect across the whole model so nicely?

Great looking model and splendid anatomy! I don’t think the beauty render does the actual sculpt much justice, maybe just the material choices you used. but really a fantastic job on the sculpt and pose! :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=Joe Black;1050634]

Crowned Front.jpg


Finished up the “Halloween Challenge” the other day, but now there is no replying to the threads.
So… here are a couple more images and a link to the original thread.
I’ve got some more stuff I’ll post soon. :wink:


Final Image

BPR w/ Base

Basic Shade

Chair w/ ZMat

Pinhead Stages

Render Layers