Hey guys, Here are some final shots from a little project I started during the #ZBrushLive streams. It’s all done in ZBrush (including the fibers), rendered in Marmoset and a bit of Photoshop
here is the project in ZBrush and this is what I cover on the Live Streams:
FiberMesh setup:
And here is the scene setup in Marmoset with some extra bits I added afterward from ZBrush. (nanomesh particles for snow bits using an alpha from a polypainted plane and a simple plane using the noisemaker plugin for the water)
Here are the links to the streams if you are interested:
Polypaint and FiberMesh techniques:
Also, I put together some resources (FiberMesh settings and texture maps) for this monkey type of hair and you can get it free at the ZBGs in the resources page.
I hope you find some of these stuff useful!