
is ZBrush 3.0 really fully 64bits?

Hi friends,

I have a little concern about ZBrush internal arquitecture. As published
in their web site ZBrush 3.0 is 64 bits compatible, however when I run it
in Windows XP Proffesional x64 and go to windows task manager the zbrush
executable is signaled as 32 bits application. Do I have the right version that
fully takes advantage of 64 bits memory addressing and other nice features?

Thanks a lot for your help.
Happy Zbrushing!


ZBrush 3.0 is marked as a 32 bits application under Windows XP Proffesional
x64 (Task Manager)…

Is ZBrush 3.0 taking full advantage of the 64 platforms (memory/processor) or
is it just “compatible” with Windows 64bits?


ZBrush 3 is 64-bit compatible. It can use more RAM than the 2 GB that a 32-bit OS offers, but is seen by the OS as a 32-bit app.

That’s right. ZB 3 is a 32 Bit app. As far as I’m aware, there is no 64Bit version of ZB3.

It will run fine on a 64Bit OS, but obviously a 64Bit version would be more beneficial.

Having said that, I am using Vista Ultimate 64 and it runs like a charm.

Beneficial… probably as in speed increase? But windows x32 and x64 benchmarks don’t show any significant speed increases. Z3 can only then benefits from the increased availale RAM on x64 systems. Which it already does.

Z3 isn’t really 32 bit app on winX64, just like aurick said.

It’s still a 32bit app though. With a properly written 64 bit version, there could be some nice increases, but that’s obviously if the code is fully optimized for 64bit.

I agree ZB3 as a 32bit app runs well under Vista 64, but they could still push it further with the release of a 64bit version.

64 bit is the future, and I love it.

Well, having installed it on Xp 64, ran it, activated my license, and shut it down, now when I try to run it it won’t run. I see the process running, but the actual app never starts! Any ideas on what’s needed to get it going?

After the hassle and expense of going to a 64 bit OS with the promise that ZBrush was 64 bit compatible, I’m not in a happy place right now!

P.s Have tried running the vcredist_x86.exe in the Troubleshoot Help folder - no difference.

There won’t be any performance increases since benchmarks has shown that windows x64 (and the software that run in it) is as slow (or as fast) as their 32 bit counterpart. There’s a comparison of maya running in various system in highend3d.com for more details on this.

ZB3 isn’t really 32 bit app in vista x64 because it can take more than 3 GB of RAM. (with that /3gb option on) The one you got is the 64 bit windows version.

On the other hand, the MAC version coming out in a few months would probably support real 64 bit version, since the next OS X will be the FIRST real 64 bit OS. Hence, Mac users would probably get a 64 bit zbrush that is at least twice faster then their windows counterpart. (because mac x64 is supposedly faster then their 32 bit counterpart as demonstrated in Apple WWDC 2007) You might wanna look into that.

seanforsyth, I tried Z3 in a x64 XP before I upgraded to vista, and it works, you might wanna try deleting your CustomUserInterface.cfg

Otherwise, contact [email protected]

Thanks for the advice feureau, but I actually just got it sorted. Turns out I had installed it when logged in as administrator for the LAN, but when I tried to run it afterwards, I was logged in as a user (with full administrative rights so it should have worked!), and for some reason that was preventing it running. Anyway, I uninstalled when logged in as LAN admin, reinstalled when logged in as a user with full admin rights, and it works now. Had already mailed [email protected]. Will get onto them now to cancel the red alert. Thanks!

There won’t be any performance increases since benchmarks has shown that windows x64 (and the software that run in it) is as slow (or as fast) as their 32 bit counterpart. There’s a comparison of maya running in various system in highend3d.com for more details on this.
Isn’t that though down to sloppy drivers as well as sloppy code? I’d just have thought 64bit code on a 64bit system would have pulled away from the 32bit version, but obviously not if there’s benchmarks. Oh well, I suppose it’s to be expected with Windows.

I see a performance increase when switched to 64bit Vista…just have to know what to shut off in Vista to get rid of the sluggyness…

I run Zbrush 3 perfect…no issues on 64bit Vista

System specs:
3.0GHZ dual core AMD(2meg cache)
M2NE(Nvidia 570 Ultra)motherboard(pci express)
6gigs DDR2 800 ram
GeForce 8800GT 512meg graphics
4 - 10,000rpm SATA3.0 70gig harddrives
HD Soundmax 8channel DTS soundcard
HD 22" Widscreen LCD monitor

Compared to 32bit xp media center edition all games ive tested run 50-100fps faster with 64bit Vista Home Premium

Wow, that is more good news for Vista. And, yep, Z3 is pretty much stable on Vista.

Can you do a zbrush benchmark comparison speed of the two? (or have you got rid of your XPx86?)


Seems Vista wins

Vista 64bit Home Premium on the left-----on the right XP MCE 2005 32bit

Zbrush test-Vista Home Premium 64bit.jpg


Zbrush test-XP MCE2005 32bit.jpg

Yes I know the win XP MCE one was tested with Zbrush 2…i did not want to reinstall Zbrush 3 for XP when its installed for Vista…dual boot system…xp and vista on the same comp