
*** Introducing Spotlight and Lightbox

I will just say thank you in advance.

Is it wrong if i rewatched that whilst touching myself?
On a completely unrelated note, i need a tissue or 2…or maybe a box.

Fantastic work guys and gals! Congrats once again!

omg i always wanted some of those tools, especially the texture part i always wanted to have that level of precision!! just gimme mental ray or something great like that to render and ill be happy forever

guys u best. :+1:

BTW what you guys meant with billions of polygons?? i hope billions is gonna be there for everyone not just pros.

To Pixologic we’re all pros

oh my @%^%&!&@&&* …That made my day…

Gulp. Scarily good!

omfg!.. speechless

uh oh. I need to say that I’m more in awe of the low expectations of the crowds here than the actual demo. I’m not so inclined to sing praises to features that have been in other programs for ages (except for that browser thingy, that looks new and handy) and shoud have been in zb since v2. This also didn’t show any signs of having layered painting or layer blending, but maybe that wasn’t the point in this presentation. Keeping my hopes up still.

Pixo did it again! :smiley:

haha this is so awesome! Can’t wait

Newtek has added a similar web browsing thingy for Lightwave CORE aswell(in the presentation anyway)…which I thought was kind of pointless at first but seeing the way it has been incorporated into zbrush has changed my mind lol

just after the excitement of Decimation master, 3D Print exporter and the announcement of Go ZBrush, YOU GO AND DO IT AGAIN!!???

That’s it! I’m keeping a spare pair of trousers near my desk in case you throw any more surprises at us! :smiley:

This just looks freakin awesome!!!

Amazing…can’t wait for Z4!!!

I like the way this is going so far :slight_smile:

Looking forward to trying out the tools :+1:

…overvitamined :smiley:
Rotative interface is some funny! :smiley:

You guys are freakin awesom! I love you!!!

well I don’t see what’s so exciting in this video but I hope I will be proven wrong once I get my hands on these tools.

but an image browser, projection painting (image plane anyone? ok it seems more effective but still it looks like nothing that wasn't possible already), new interface that makes zbrush even more messy, image correction tools that I probably will never use... well its a really disapointing teaser for me, was much more impressed by gozbrush and decimation master I would love to see layer painting instead for example, one simple feature that really would be awesome, but let's still hope its there :)

Another tool which looks Superfluous but a tool which could become indispensable !

You guys always find new ideas which help us, Zbrushers to go faster and faster in our workflow !
Thanks again ! :wink: