
I don't want a crease line to be created (Ctrl+Alt+Shift + Click = Crease line)

I don’t want this function.
Is there a way not to use this function?
I want Deactivation

2023-06-29_12-31-57_AdobeExpress (1)

Hi @Lily1,

The animation is a bit small to see well, but I’m going to guess you have a lasso-style selection brush active.

You can:

  1. Hold down Shift + Alt while you click on the Brush selector button to change the active selection brush back to the default rectangular selection marquee or a non lasso-style selection brush.

  2. Not press Alt while using a lasso style selection brush.

  3. Assign Tool> Geometry > Crease > UnCrease All to a hotkey to quickly eliminate the creasing.


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