
How can I lock UV mapping?

I had been try to keep my UV map stay in clean Ive fixed in 3d max. but when I use sub-Division levels up my uv map muddle up again.

look at mouth UV, when I level up Sub-Division…

Before :

After :

This Sub-tool already have 5 level of division… How can I keep this locked while try to making texture out of poly-paint?




Next to the Divide button, try turning off Suv. That tells ZBrush not to smooth the UV’s when you subdivide.

Yeah I always do that until SDiv level 4… model do not smooth itself very much ( Suv ruin my finger modelling. )

but UV still do that “autosmooth” apply on my UV.

if there are no problem solved for this, then my first plan is weld mouth shut so UV would fixed…

ah… I am wonder… apply UV in level 1 from GoZ ( 3d max app.)
switch off Suv and level it up to max level of level 7.

Yay! it working. you have to keep Suv off and skip all SDiv level to max SDiv level to get better UV map.


Thank aurick!