
Horse study (écorché)

this is my first post here,
I sculpt on my spare time using Zbrush Core but I don’t have any formal scholar education on it, just watching some videos on Youtube (I work as a developer).
I tried to do an ‘écorché’ of a horse, but I know it is still not 100% accurate…
Please, feel free to tell me what you think of it!

(a turnaround video is available here: Romain Pelle - Horse sculpt study (écorché))


It looks incredibly cool.

Thank you so much !
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ZBrush(Core) is a great tool to study anatomy - as you start to grasp handling ZBrush’s digital sculpting tools and delve deeper into your subject’s anatomy - you’ll steadily see your sculpts improve! keep going :sunglasses: :+1: :star2:!

Thank you so much for your support !
I will sure do! I’m currently working on my next study!

wow! it looks so prof!

Hello! Welcome to the community! It’s great to hear about your interest in sculpting with Zbrush Core.