
Hoover Man - New Project

Ok,thanks for your words. So I really felt bad after reading your post today.I think like you and I wont to be a friend with everybody. I don’t wanne make peoples angry about me.
Now I’m feeling much better, thanks.
So I say again sorry and happy Zbrushing,
dear friend :wink: !



Hello Poeples,

here is an update of my “Hooverman”.

BTW: I´m asking one more time, if there are some ZBrush Artists from Los Angeles which have time to drink a beer together with me, than please write me now back. I´m making holydays there from the 5th untill the18 September.
It really would be great to meet other Artists

So Peoples,
I´m back in about two weeks










cool variation on HRGiger theme :slight_smile:
the beer is always welcome :slight_smile:
give a call if you’rein the Burbank area


Ok Stefano, the beer is yours. A call you in a couple of days.

See you


yesterday i just had been to an october fest tavern

wurst bier und sauerkraut :slight_smile:

Any of you ever come to Namibia, the beer will be on me…

We know what beer is all about in our hot country, 11pm here and temp 22Deg C…

Great work…

LA is roasting… i cant get out of my AC before 6-7PM

…from the 2D drawing!
The “red” view is a must! :sunglasses:
Seems you have mastered the monster of Zb :+1:

Very cool Stuff!!!
I agree with Frenchy Pilou about the red version…

Also I’m impressed for your Fantastic Swizerland Friend :wink:
Since I seen Alien I’m a Fan of the Master Giger (and I have many biomechanical book in my collection eh eh eh)… :smiley:

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Hi Stefano,
Im sitting here in an internetcafe at the sunset blv. tomorow I drive quick to a friend who lives in San Diego. Im back in LA in about 3 Days. I call you than.

see you soon

thats all good herr kaiser

herr kaiser
i’m sorry i didnt catched your call when you came to LA but i forgot my pjhone at work and the battery was down altogether in tht unlucky day!
next time call me a couple of days before and leave me a number i can reach you at!!!

PS:My BDay is the 5th Feb too :slight_smile: I am officially a gigerian!!
