

Hey guys! It has been a while since my last post here (lots of deadlines), but I recently finished with my intensive workshop called ‘ZBrush for illustrators’ and I want to share the work that I produce as a demo for the students:
This work is entirely ZBrush and Photoshop (I also showed Krita as an alternative to Photoshop in the workshop). We covered a lot of ground during the 5 days of the workshop from planning and concept all the way to rendering, NPR filters, and compositing. Here is the progress of the workshop in a nutshell:

And a few other ZBrush render passes we used for the compositing and linework refinements:

And finally here are a few additional renders tests (100% ZBrush) that we made as we went through the lesson on the NPR filters for illustration:

I hope you guys like it!

The workshop was a ‘live event’ and it’s finished now, but If you are interested in this type of stuff, I’m going to make the recordings of the workshop available as a short course very soon. If you are already in my email list I’ll send you an email when it’s ready. If you are not part of my list, you can subscribe here.




My gosh, your shaders and use of them is outstanding

Inspirational results with the NPR shaders, and thanks for putting up those breakdowns. :+1:

Outstanding results :clap: you should be proud Pablo!!! It’s nice to see such illustrative renders beautifully executed.

Cheers mate! glad you like it

My pleasure! glad you like the breakdowns

Thanks so much, Jaime! every time I try the NPR filters they give me a refreshing break from the ‘usual stuff’ haha. Glad you like it!

This is soooo good @Pablander!! Great work!!! :clap: :clap:

Remarkable! Beautifully done!

Hat off,
i’ve tried to obtain your tutorial: Cheat Sheet for Compositing.
I’ve registered my name and mail many times but i’ve not receive any link where download the pdf.
Any help?

I love the colors in the final render.
Thank you for the breakdown.

Hi @Leonardo_Panella ,

Have you checked your spams? I’ve just tryed and I’ve receveid a mail to confirm the subscription then I’ve received a mail from Pablo with the download link some seconds after.

Change mail and everythingh’s fine now

This is great

Superbly done

woah this is great Pablo, love the finishes you got there… I can’t get that toon stuff look decent haha :smiley: Great job!

That toon effect is incredible, love the all atmosphere!

Love the colors, nice stuff man!