
Harryhausen Cyclops Wip


You’ve probably seen my kali model for the same competition. I started out fully intending to do Ray’s model, and she’s taken on a life of her own. We’re just doing this to have fun and pay our respects to Ray. I know I’ve had more fun with this project than anything I’ve ever modelled using any tools especially ZBrush.

I’m struggling with rigging her now and hope to have a short clip before the deadline.

I guess what I’m saying is: just enjoy the heck out of it!

I’m sure everybody on both forums will get a kick out of your finished piece.
GO Monstermaker! :+1: :+1:

Hi guys, Ok I came to my senses and went back closer to the source material.This is where he stands as of this moment .This is a quick modo render using the displacement that I created in ZB. Now on to the bump map where I will do all of the lines etc. Hope you like it cyclopsdispflatc.jpg

love that ray harryhausen stuff!!!
you totally captured his style!

Are you modeling him in that pose or is he rigged?

You’re nailing it! Go Man Go! :+1: :+1:

First off, Rick…this is better than I could hope to do as is. I am giving the C and C because I think you are going to the original…though I think you have captured him perfectly, I don’t think that is good enough for what you are after…perfection…(that is what makes you top of your game and I truly respect that).

I pulled up a familiar pic of the big guy from the net and put them side by side to see the nit picking differences…(because my c and c is nit picking for sure)

I have numbered the areas and give a description below.

1.Your bumps are not pronounced enough, and vary the size and shape a bit more.

2.Ray’s version is thicker through that muscle area, his I think has a bit shorter squattier looks in the neck

3.Your head is more round, his skull is bumpier with lumps in the skull itself I think

4.Your eye area seems not as wide as his version

  1. Your mouth area isn’t as wide as his either.

  2. Your fingernails are smaller as well I think.

7.Your head is thinner overall I think, moreso in the jaw/mouth area…unless it’s just the angle of the pose.

Like I said, this is a ton of nit picking on my part. These are just tweeks anyways. You probably noticed all this already. Your eyes have to better than mine. Your art definitely is.,

Love your work as always, keep us posted my friend.


click to see the thumbnail obviously to see the comparison


This is so cool to see, it’ll really scream with some textures. Harryhausen has given so much to the FX world, awesome to see a true master paying homage to him, he deserves it.

By the wayj, Just saw you on the “Sci-Fi Boys”, (Costa really nailed you in his portrait…whew!) I didn’t know you were also a talented actor:D , very convincing as a raving psycho!!! Ahhh, the road not taken…

Can’t wait to see the updates on this

Nice one Rick :+1:

This 'clops literally BREATHES Harry’s style, and will stand as a most apt and fitting tribute to the master - I can feel him smiling already :slight_smile:

Looking forward immensely to your texturing later on!


I think the proportions are better balanced. But is the belly that flat?

I think this is getting close. We all put in a little something of our own, copying someone else perfectly is very hard. Either way, as long as this character and a few others are revived every decade I will be happy! :wink:

he’s come quite a ways, looking very nice… ps: i’ve never used modo before, what benefits do you find it has? a good built-in renderer n such? ease of use from zbrush?

Hi Guys here is how he looks with the bump map.
billrobertson, I modeled him in this pose started with a box and just worked my way down. I was originally planning on just making a bust but couldn’t stop. If I knew i was going to make a full figure I probably would have modeled it in a neutral pose and rigged it. .While it was in the bust stage in Modo I moved the polys around to make it more dynamic and have been swearing ever since because because I lost the symmetry and had to model both sides.
Ron, Yeah there is a lot wrong with this but there is also a time limit on this challenge and I want to make sure I get it finished. Also with any likeness they look different from different angles and with different lens. I believe that there were three different cyclops models used in the film as well. You can see that he looks different in this slightly different pose and I didn’t change the model at all other than adding the bump map.
Hi Lemo, he has been doing crunches.
runegod, Modo is a modeling and rendering program that is more traditional then ZBrush.It’s great for making base meshes to get the topography that you want. It handles ZB displacement maps well and I really like the way it renders.
Ok back to work cyclopsdispbump.jpg

Don’t get me wrong, Rick. I am lovin’ this piece. Other than looking thru a microscope at him, I didn’t see anything that was truly outta whack on him. So please I hope I didn’t offend you earlier. That was not my purpose by any means. He would probably make a good 3d printed piece too…

loving your work with this challenge.

I can’t believe how tedious it must’ve been to make all that fur, esp. without being able to use symmetry. Excellent model. Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us all.

I would kill to see you do a mini stop motion with this guy like you did the ape! I hope you are enjoying it more than you are pulling out hairs!

Looks great so far…loved that movie too.

niiiice…lovin the hair on the legs. reminds me of the super rad harry and the hendersons maquette in your shop…sweet.

now I’m going to have to find some excuse to sculpt a lot of hair on something…

Rick, the bump map added so much to this piece, I wish you had time to do an entire scene. You’ve nailed the essence that is Harryhausen. If it was a garage kit, I’d buy it. How about quitting that Hollywood Stuff and just make pictures for us. :slight_smile: 50.

Wonderful work, Rick. Like others have allready said: you really have captured Mr. Harryhausen’s essence! Btw I really loved your work in “Click”. Some very nice make up work there!!

I really enjoy seeing anything from the “7th Voyage”. Peter Jackson may have found his inspiration with “Kong”, but for me it was “Sinbad”! If they would ever finish ZBrush 2.5 then you could still rig and pose him to your hearts content! Please keep us posted on your updates. Seeing your work is always inspirational.

Hey Rick,

So cool to finally see one of Rays cyclops’ done here.
I totally dug it as a kid. When you think of all the people Ray has inspired!, it’s phenominal.

I think this model looks pretty darn good. I am particularly fond of the hair and the expression.

Looking forward to the finished piece.