
Grey Gorila

Two of my more important influences years ago, was Rick Baker s chipamzes to Greystoke and the Grey Gorilas of the Stan Winston to Congo, i wachted the boths movies many ,many times ..... then ,i love do gorilas ,i am working on a gorila head . heres some previews,
i will texture it
hope soon i will post updates,
comments will be welcome

Alex Oliver

Great Work!! And Excellent influences

heh, I could tell this was your’s before I even read who wrote the post. You have unique and awesome style. Nice work!

Outstanding. Look forward to more of this. Dinos or gorillas… never too many!


Yet another outstanding model!
You always deliver something cool.
I am working on one as well, so this will definately inspire me :slight_smile:

Thumbs way up!


this is looking really nice. lots of history in that face. always like your work and this is no exception.

Your work(zb3 beta work) is very inspiring! I bet this gorilla would turn out a great piece as well. And I can’t wait to see the final version.:smiley:

Everytime when there’s new work posted by you…I’d say OMG to my girlfriend…and she told me it’s getting very often :slight_smile:

As always the model’s superb very nice

MartonDemetrius-thank you!!!

3Dean-thank you buddy!

mikala-yes ! i agreed ,thank you!

Mr.Monster-thank you buddy! i want see you gorila !

threetails-thank you buddy!

drive2moon-thank you!

SolidSnakexxx-ahahahah,thank you!!

here`s some updates more;




great job thus far alex!!! You are trully an inspiration man! I am busy finishing off a character sculpt and have the base mesh for a “gorilla” style creature all prepped and ready to go for sculpting once that is completed. You have definitly put the fire to my coals to hurry up and get to it!!! How are you planning on the hair? Just straight sculpt or hair in XSI?

I like apes, good work.

love these, are using completed, textured and material ready eyes, as sub tools in these images. if so, it sure makes a difference in getting some life into the sculpt right off the start. really looking good.

wayniac-thank you! about the hair ,i dont know yet,i will see it better later

manou-thank you!!

threetails-yes, im using subtools ,and i painted the eyes with polypaint and later work with the toy shader there.thanks!!

here`s some views more and the polypainting version,i still working on texture;




Looking fricking amazing… Great work. The eye’s color is really great.

Great work man!!!

love the pinkish hue around the eyes and mouth, it gives the skin a worn look like the surface pigment, has been rubbed away over time, this is going to rock.


Keep it comin’!

Sure looks good!


kyphur-thank you!

-walfrid-thanks buddy!!

threetails-thank you@!

Mr.Monster-thank you!

here`s the textued version;


Very nice! Love it!