
Goblin and Butterfly

Hi All, here is my personal project. Even a Monster can feel the Beauty.


Nice concept and a great sculpt. Are you planning to paint him as well?

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Thank you! Yes, i am planning to paint him

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Excellent work! Great concept. He looks very natural like he could get up and walk away. Nice job!

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Endearing concept - awesome sculpting !!! Look forward to seeing the polypainted version :sunglasses: :+1: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:!!!



Welcome to ZBC!
This is wonderful. Such a great character and expression. I love it! :+1:

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Great sculpt ! Great pose and anatomy ! Very poetic and magic. I love them :star_struck:. Can’t wait to see the polypaint version. How long have you spent on this piece? Thank you.

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This is my personal project, it took time about two months, because of I did in the evenings in my free time. And I don’t know how long polypaint will take time))

Thank you ! it still gives me an idea of ​​the time and patience sometimes necessary to reach this level of finish. Making time is sometimes difficult for me. I tend to want to go too fast :sweat_smile: … thank you again!

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Some serious sculpting! Lots of character in this piece :clap:

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Beautiful creature work, and the butterfly tells a little narrative. :+1:

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insane work congrats

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ВЫ МАСТЕР, Снимаю шляпу ,Замечательная работа-хочется увидеть в раскрашенном виде,Здоровья и УСПЕХ пусть сопутствует Вам.

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Спасибо большое. Рада, что работа поравилась ))
По покраске еще работаю,. Времени свободного совсем не много, потому все идет не быстро ))

That’s great, congrats :smiley:

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Beautiful sculpt!

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Great work!!

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