
GoB: an unofficial GoZ for Blender.

Use buttn here:
Also make sure in zbrush preferences-> goz -> set patch to bledner 2.8

Yaaaaa a a a a aayyyyyyy it work Thank you for your show me and I got it.

Thanks so much for this @Jose!!!

If anyone is having trouble making it work on Windows - I had some too - here’s how I fixed my problem.

You can re-install GoZ, make sure ZBrush and Blender are closed. Now you go to your ZBrush folder:

C:\Program Files\Pixologic\ZBrush 2018\Troubleshoot Help\

In there should be a file called “GoZ_for_ZBrush_Installer_WIN.exe”, right click and run with admin rights, follow the installer through.

Now open ZBrush, go to Preferences - GoZ - force reinstall. Locate your Blender 2.8 path.

Should work now. :slight_smile:

:+1:ohhhhh! realy reaaaaaaly grateful.
thankss bro!

I tried it. I get an “unknown tag:b’B\x9c\x00\x00” for each object. Do you know what it means? It seems like blender got the contours right for the objects. However, it locked the blender thread. [It was 25 million points] It might be blender and not the plugin which is to blame. If I try with just one object it works and does not lock the blender thread (I still get the unknown tag identically as above).

Interesting. When I have exported lots of objects using goz it seems it overwrites objects on import (they are in the same file in zbrush). Obviously it’s a problem that zbrush allows different objects to have the same name while blender does not. Well. This should be easily solvable anyway. Ideally the export in zbrush could warn for this, but that is obviously beyond the scope of this plugin as I get the impression the plugin is only the blender side of things.

Click Object on right side then rename different name before export GoB to zBrush.

Follow step by step there.

Do not make same name on 2 object.
Need different name on multiply object.

Hello guys.
I have a problem, GOZ dont leave me a execute the blender.exe.
But in linux blender is a run file not a .exe file.
How can fixing this problem for my zbrush and wine in ubuntu?

Thanks a lot for updating the GoZ add-on for Blender 2.8.

Everything seems to work fine here on macOS, except the meshes have the wrong orientation. There’s a 180 degrees difference between the front view in Blender the front view in ZBrush. It’s probably not rotated, but flipped on 2 axes during import / export between Blender and ZBrush.

I’ve tried changing the EXPORT_FLIP_Y and EXPORT_FLIP_Z settings from FALSE to TRUE in GoZApps ➔ Blender ➔ GoZ_Info.txt, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Flip thin will be fixed. I never know what is front and what is back side in zbrush, so that is why things may be backward in goz.

Thanks a lot Jose!

A trick to know the front side in ZBrush is going to Texture menu ➔ Image Plane ➔ Reference views ➔ Front.

Hey folks, since JoseConseco here has been so good as to update the script to 2.80, he also has this code up on GitHub - as far as I can see, this is the only recent and accurate “source” that is public and tracked: https://github.com/JoseConseco/GoB

I think it’d be great if we used this repository to log and track issues, bugs, and feature requests using GitHub’s tools so that other people in the Blender and ZBrush community can contribute to the script. :sunglasses:

Since it was originally released under the GNU GPL, we have set it to use the same license here, but in the interests of keeping things clean it’d be great if anyone contributing to the script could use this GitHub repository to submit Pull Requests to minimise divergence and give everyone a nice single source of truth! :+1:

If anyone wants to contribute to the script and doesn’t know how GitHub and/or Pull Requests work, PM me and I’ll help you out.

I also have some plans for making the script work more like vanilla GoZ, in that clicking the GoZ button in ZBrush will focus Blender and update the meshes immediately, instead of having to use the timer process that it currently uses to watch the GoZ interchange folder, as this should be a more consistent user experience (and simplifies things on the Blender side!).

Oh I see there 16 hours ago update for Blender 2.8 on GoB no problem I just got download on zip.
January 4, 2018 at 4:00 AM Pacific Time.

MoP, thanks! Sounds good. Please keep us posted, thanks for your efforts!

Using the latest beta build for Blender 2.80.0 f98e4cbedbb7 for win64.
When clicking the export button in Blender, ZBrush is started and immediately closes (crashes?) after showing an empty document.
Seems to me I am not the only one: https://blenderartists.org/t/goz-for-blender-2-8/1138418/13

Seems like a problem was with the ZBrush itself. After searching on the internet, I found similar problems all somehow connected to system permissions. Here’s how I managed to fix this:

  1. Launch ZBrush as Administrator and close it (it seems this is the point everyone is missing, but just doing so prevented further crashes when launching ZBrush through GoZ)
  2. Go to C:\Program Files\Pixologic\ZBrush 2018\Troubleshoot Help and run GoZ_for_ZBrush_Installer_WIN.exe as Administrator
    Launch ZBrush
  3. In ZBrush, go to Preferences, run ‘Clear all caches’ and follow instructions
  4. In ZBrush, go to Preferences, run ‘Force reinstall’, set the correct path to blender.exe

Hope this helps.

Where is Macintosh say

sorry but the 2.72 version dosent work for my blender 2.79 :frowning:

Hi there, this is my first ever comment here and i had the same issue about the Orientation when i exported from Zbrush to Blender and viceversa.

I have a Mac with the Mojave version, Zbrush 2018.1 and blender 2.80. Actually i’m not an expert on programming or scripting in any language, but trying to solve the orientation problem i ended up fixing it, for me at least.

For those with the same problem you only have to modify the script changing a few numbers, i let you the changes below my comment. My sincerely admiration who created the addon, thank you so much. Hope it works for you guys, have a nice day.

You will need Xcode if you are a Mac User or any program of coding. I didn’t test it on windows though.

The first transform you have to modify starts at line 144 (i figured out that this controls the transform from Zb to Blender)

Change it to: (this will fix the orientation when you use the Goz on Zbrush to blender.)
(1., 0., 0., 0.),
(0., 0., -1., 0.),
(0., 1., 0., 0.),
(0., 0., 0., 1.)

The second transform starts at 360. (viceversa, fixing the orientation when you want it back to Zb.)

Change it to: <style type=“text/css”>p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Menlo; color: #ffffff; background-color: #1f1f24}span.s1 {color: #9686f5}</style> (1., 0., 0., 0.),
(0., 0., 1., 0.),
(0., -1., 0., 0.),
(0., 0., 0., 1.)]

March 6, 2019
zBrush 2019 is active now.
For your Mac you can use separate folder zBrush 2018 and zBrush 2019 can do both open application it work.
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