
Giger Alien with video

Hi Guys,

As a fan of Ridley Scott and Giger, I decided to make this Alien.

I used Maya, Zbrush and photoshop

here is a link to a video of the Alien:



I’m available for a job if you like my work :slight_smile:

My portfolio: http://www.flickr.com/photos/angel-art-3d/





Very nice work. This looks like the alien in the first movie - the “dude in a costume” version. Personally I think the alien designs got way better after the first film - more animal like.

That looks so good!
…any chance of you making a tutorial about sculpting and materials?
I’d buy a dvd if ya made one. :wink:

As amazing as the sculpt, rendering, details and materials are, the pose really works against it. Looks like he is walking to the refrigerator instead of being the most effective killing machine bill paxton has ever known!

LMAO@ Danconia,s comment

not bad…but not perfect… the tail needs more dtails…everything needs more details… the fingers… the feet seems to be not finished… the teeth are good… the mouth is a little to wide. and the tail is from alien 4 (water alien) the head seems to be from alien 2… and the rest from the first movie.
it´s a good start. go on! he could be much better <img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/pixo/atn.gif”>

wow<img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/pixo/atn.gif”>. graet work dude

nice great work

hey.thats very interesting render.
are you using mental ray or v-ray with maya for the render ?
,it looks great.

Very cool alien model…and the render’s sick…and beautiful! Great stuff!

Thx Dustin, your facehugger is really good as well, it could be the father of this Alien;)

Thx Mate, if someone asks me to make a tutorial, I will send you an Email;)

I admit I’m not the best to find a good pose, my next creature should be better about that.

I didn’t mean to make the same Alien from the movie, I wanted to make my own version. I only took a model from Slideshow for the head, the rest of the body is my own inspiration. Anyway, ur baby alien looks great!

Thx for your comment, I know V-ray is available for Maya but I use Mental Ray at the moment.

@LeoAMD, janhasse, SolidSnakexxx
Thx Mates for your support:)

Some new renderings…






I am very curious as to how you created the segmented tail.
Did you create individual pieces and attach them to bones, or is it all one piece?

Great detail with the cracked texture for the protien polysaccharides.

Any chance you’ll model the Queen Alien?

The fingers and toes are definitely far, far too thick.

Otherwise it’s very nice, but would work better with the moody lighting in the movies - although it’d obviously also hide the details of your work…

Love the alien sculpt…very cool design!it looks great. :+1:

I really like the white render, as well as showing off the nice clean detailing you’ve done, i think it’d make a great ipod dock for my desk :slight_smile:

Nice work!!!

my only crit is thaqt it’s sort of a mish-mash of the different ALIEN versions, with segmented legs like the xeno in Alien 3 and 4… a ridged head like the xeno in ALIENS, and a color scheme like the one in ALIEN… and a little from ALIENS, and a tail more akin to the xenos in AVP 1…

I assume, given the detail, that this was intentional. Either way great work!

I created one single piece and then duplicated it to get the tail, then I worked on each part with Zbrush. You can see that on the wireframe version on the video.
I don’t plan to make the alien queen but I almost finished the modeling of another “creature”.

Thx for ur comments. With a tail of this size and weight, I felt I had to make large foot in order for him to stand properly, but I’m not even sure it’s enough.
I noticed that lot of creatures on 3d forums, because of their anatomy, couldn’t even stand or walk properly.

Thx mate, you have a great zbrush gallery:)

I don t understand how you could use it as a ipod dock but thx very much anyway:)

Thx for ur comments Cuban. As I said in a previous post, I didn t mean to make exactly the Alien from the movie, I tried to respect the overall design from Giger so I guess u can find lots of similarities in the different version of the movie or videogames.

Take a look around here to see what I mean:


I have not seen an Alien model this detailed, and it looks great.
I noticed each tail piece is unique!

what was the Tail process?
How did you Taper each piece proportionatly?

In Maya i suppose you would use a Lattice Deformer, not sure how else to this type of thing in other software.

Thank for any help, and keep up the great work. I look forward to seeing “the Creature”